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All About White Cypress & Nerolina


All About White Cypress & Nerolina

For the month of June, we are introducing two refreshing and uplifting Australian oils to help support overall mind and body wellness.

Our White Cypress & Nerolina oils are an Oil of the Month offering throughout the month of June. Check back with us soon to see if we have added it to our collection.

White Cypress Essential Oil

Crisp and refreshing, the delightfully bright aroma of White Cypress Essential Oil is undoubtedly an Australian treasure. Growing native on the coastline, the Callitris columellaris is a coniferous tree in the Cupressaceae family and provides many of the same benefits as others in this family, like Cypress and Juniper. White Cypress can support a healthy respiratory system due to its high a-pinene content, making it great to reach for to help with seasonal discomfort. It is also uniquely high in limonene for a conifer oil, adding a distinct cheerful note to the overall scent profile. Try White Cypress in your diffuser to help ward off stale scents and create a fresh and clean environment. Topically, it may help support keeping skin healthy and balanced.

Some Things to Know

Botanical Name: Callitris columellaris

Country of Origin: Australia

Plant Part Used: Leaves and Twigs

Primary Constituents:

  • a-Pinene
  • Limonene
  • B-Caryophyllene

Aromatic Scent: Fresh and sweet woody aroma

Directions: Aromatic – Diffuse using 3-4 drops per 100 mL of water or use in a personal inhaler. Topical – Dilute to 2-4% in a carrier.

Shelf Life: 2-3 Years

KidSafe/ Pregnancy Safe/ Nursing Safe/ Pup & Pony Safe: Yes

Nerolina Essential Oil

A native Australian chemotype of Niaouli, Nerolina Essential Oil has a similar herbaceous freshness, but also presents soft, floral notes due to its high linalool content (more than 46%!). Nerolina is also rich in nerolidol, a sesquiterpene found in precious floral oils like Neroli and Jasmine, which adds sweet nuances not commonly found throughout the Melaleuca plant family. Its unique, woodsy, floral aroma helps soothe and calm the nervous system, making this oil an excellent companion on stressful days or whenever you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. For a relaxing and restorative bath, add 25 drops to an ounce of carrier oil and a cup of Epsom salt; then sit back, relax, and enjoy Nerolina’s positive influence on the mind and body.

Some Things to Know

Botanical Name: Melaleuca quinquenervia

Country of Origin: Australia

Plant Part Used: Leaves and Twigs

Primary Constituents:

  • Linalool
  • Nerolidol

Aromatic Scent: Sweet floral and fresh cineolic aroma with slightly woody notes

Directions: Aromatic – Diffuse using 3-4 drops per 100 mL of water or use in a personal inhaler. Topical – Dilute to 2-4% in a carrier.

Shelf Life: 2-3 Years

KidSafe/ Pregnancy Safe/ Nursing Safe/ Pup & Pony Safe: Yes

Sore Muscle Massage Blend DIY

Blend the following essential oils to create a massage blend that promotes circulation, helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite and promoting relaxation.

Makes 5 mL of blend. Dilute up to 4% in your favorite carrier oil and apply to areas of concern. You can also diffuse this blend for an uplifting and calming experience.