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African Heartwood Project Update


African Heartwood Project Update

By Chris Jones, Owner of Plant Therapy

We just received this email from Andy (founder of African Heartwood Project)

You’re 4 of 4! nyamah, bombor, tahn town, and kalimu all have clean water as of today, el cinco de mayo.
we dug a well in tahn town instead of komah; komah wasn’t ready with their CDF (Community Development Fund: the $100 US dollars we require them to save up for well training and to cover any needed repairs. Actually, the training is free, but they have to attend training and have funds to fix any future issues), while tahn town surprised us with their last minute prep. I spoke with tahn town as one of the very first communities last year, but they didn’t seem too interested at the time. Turns out they had been working slowly on their fund and their record, and as soon as they saw trucks passing their village on their way to bombor, with culverts and digging equipment, they sped things up flagged Willie down as he was passing by. (Willie is in charge of the non-profit that we hired to do the actual well drilling and installation.)
I’ll update our webpage with more videos and photos of your 4 village water projects over the next week or two. (Plant Therapy customers, make sure you keep checking African Heartwood’s page for the updates!)
Thank you Chris. We really have made a huge impact on a few hundred people’s lives for good. Very literally some children will live longer than they would have had they continued to drink the dirty water from the swamp and creek. Most will be healthier than their parents. Everyone will have a better digestive experience day to day. And time otherwise spent hauling water will be spent on other productive activities such as studying, going to school, working on the farm or in the kitchen, or worshiping.
May God bless you and your family with some joy in having lifted the poor in this way. And may Plant Therapy as a business continue to prosper, as it is this prosperity that has been the means of providing water in these four villages.
-Andy, founder of the African Heartwood Project