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With your resolutions mapped out and a game plan in place, you’re ready to crush it. The blends in the Ready, Set, Go! Set are there to help you stay motivated, focused and hopeful. But as so many of us have figured out the hard way, it doesn’t take long for the hype to wear off and it goes back to life as usual. That doesn’t have to happen this year. Our blend Willpower can help you stick to your guns, stay on track and keep going when you feel like giving up. Let’s take a look at how this blend can help.


Willpower is a trainable mental muscle. The essential oils included in this blend help you hold onto resolve and charge forward into action by fostering confidence. This blend is both energizing and stimulating for your mind and body — all while helping to clear the head of unnecessary worries and anxiety!

  • KidSafe: No
  • Pup & Pony Safe: No
  • Pregnancy Safe: No
  • Nursing Safe: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years

Picture of the Go Set

What’s In It

Ginger Root CO2: Whoa! Tangy! Spicy! In your face! Ginger takes a powerful punch in this blend, like a slap in the face to get the boost of confidence and morale you need to make. things. happen. It is known to be a great support for people who have clear plans and good intentions but may lack the personal drive to take the right actions that manifest their dreams. In Gabriel Mojay’s book Aromatherapy for the Healing Spirit (pg. 79), he gives a beautiful explanation of Ginger’s influence on willpower. “Ginger oil…is the ideal catalyst of the Will (Zhi), invoking and enhancing their vital fire. Tapping this, the source of all action, Ginger can restore the exhilaration of achievement.”

Keep in mind, Ginger can be sensitizing to some. If needed, you can soften the note by adding more Lime or Cedarwood. Or consider passively diffusing instead of using an aromatherapy diffuser.

Lime Steam Distilled: This wonderfully bright citrus helps promote mental clarity and increase energy — both needed to get your plans in motion. If indecision is plaguing your attempts to do what needs to be done, then Lime can help lighten your anxiety and fears about the future. It’s even thought to support assertiveness- helping you uncover that awesome boss lady within!

Cedarwood Texas & Himalayan: In contrast to Ginger, Cedarwood does not stimulate the willpower to action so much as gives us the will to hold firm, even against persistent external forces. It does this by steadying the conscious mind, which helps us to resist sudden events and powerful emotions that threaten our confidence and morale. So while Ginger and Lime are working hard to lift us up out of fear and meekness, these two Cedarwoods help provide the balance we need to sustain our willpower with a clear and grounded sense of self.

Egyptian Geranium: Feelings of anxiety, whether chronic or acute, can quickly derail the willpower needed to tackle your plans. That’s where Geranium comes in! It helps provide a sense of calm strength and harmony; perfect when you need to feel secure to move forward with your goals. It’s a great help for nervous exhaustion as well, which can also contribute to a lack of willpower.

Black Spruce: Conifers, like Black Spruce, are known to be very restorative to the mind. It helps with overall relaxation and respiratory wellness, so you can stop, take a deep cleansing breath, and move forward!

Black Pepper: Feeling “stuck”? Black Pepper helps provide that nudge so you can get a move on! Like Ginger, it strengthens the Zhi (will), which we can draw upon to overcome obstacles, stay strong against hardships, and survive whatever life throws our way.

Willpower essential oil blend

How to Use It

When diffusing, just add 2-3 drops per 100 mL of water to your aromatherapy diffuser. You can also use a personal aromatherapy inhaler to have on hand when you feel your resolve starting to waver. If you opt for topical dilution, not much is needed. Dilute to 0.5-1% dilution in your favorite carrier oil.

Willpower Sachets

What you’ll need:

  • 6 Muslin or Organza Bags
  • ¼ cup Epsom Salt
  • ½ cup dry plain White Rice
  • 18-20 drops Willpower

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What you’ll do:

Mix the Epsom salt, white rice, and Willpower in a small bowl. Combine well and scoop the mixture into the small bags. Keep in your drawers, gym bag, or desk drawer.

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