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Treat Yourself with Halloween Bath Bombs


Treat Yourself with Halloween Bath Bombs

Halloween is right around the corner! Whether you’re walking miles with your kiddos filling up those candy buckets or dancing the night away in your best Halloween ensemble – let’s face it – All Hallows’ Eve activities can put some major stress on your body. Tired feet? Check! Tummy full of junk food? Check! Stressed-out skin courtesy of cheap Halloween makeup? Check! So what better way to recover and refresh than treating yourself to a relaxing soak in the tub?

Bubble, Bubble, Toil & Trouble!

Our limited-edition Halloween Bath Bombs are designed to pamper your mind and body with deliciously scented bath bombs packed with the same amazing ingredients you know and love!

With soothing and nourishing ingredients like Sunflower Oil, Camellia Oil, Jojoba Oil, Safflower Oil, and Vitamin E, you’ll leave the tub with silky soft, moisturized skin from head to toe!

Halloween Bath Bombs

Each new bath bomb is hand-made to be extra-large, weighing approximately 6.1 ounces and giving a fun, fizzy experience for more than 3 minutes. Galaxy is a beautiful swirl of green and purple colors, with the delightfully warm and relaxing aroma of Vanilla and Lavandin. Spooky is our darkest bath bomb yet, evoking a creepy, cauldron-like atmosphere by turning your tub dark grey as the fizz bubbles out from beneath the water. Its sweet scent of Lavander and citrus is a great mood-booster after a long day of Halloween fun. Then there is Trick or Treat, our bright yellow and orange bath bomb with a bold, fruity aroma that will brighten your day.

Our bath bombs are great for both kids and adults! We recommend that these not be used with children under 3. This is because splashing in the tub could cause eye irritation if the bathwater gets into the eyes.

Are you as excited about Halloween as we are? We’ve rounded up some of our favorite Halloween blogs and downloads; check them out for some fun DIYs, helpful Halloween tips and tricks, and spooktacular coloring pages!

Halloween-Themed Coloring Pages: