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It's Spring Cleaning Season: Spring Clean With Essential Oils!


It's Spring Cleaning Season: Spring Clean With Essential Oils!

It’s that time of year when the new year has finally set in, and with it comes the urge to rethink and reevaluate the cleanliness of our homes. Spring cleaning can mean something different to each individual, but it’s a tradition that even if you despise cleaning, you kind of look forward to. Spring cleaning can mean deep cleaning those areas that we tend to neglect until we are moving, or the house is empty.

There is no better way to kick off this year’s spring cleaning than with natural cleaners. These natural cleaners are safer for your home, effective for cleaning away grime and grit, and will smell better than your average store cleaner.

There are lots of options out there, so on this post, we will give you an easy room-by-room checklist, some DIY cleaner recipes that can be used for those rooms, and links to older posts that cover more DIY cleaners with essential oils in more detail.

Where to start?

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, so the biggest question is where to start? There are lots of ways to go about this, but here is a spring cleaning schedule that is easy to achieve and will give you a definite starting point. Make your DIY cleaners the day before so when you are ready to go, spring cleaning can begin without delay.

Remember, we are focusing on areas that are not always cleaned and definitely need some attention during the spring cleaning frenzy. So besides cleaning the bathroom or bedrooms the way you normally would, these are ideas to go above and beyond.

First Stop: Bathrooms

Bathroom Checklist:
  • Vacuum and wipe the walls and ceilings
  • Wash throw rugs
  • Wash mirrors and windows
  • Spray and scrub all surfaces and bathroom items
  • Mop the floors

Tub & Sink Cleaner

What you’ll need:

  • 1/4 cup Castile Soap
  • 1/4 cup washing soda
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 20 drops Orange Sweet, Grapefruit Pink, or Lemon Essential Oil
  • mold, small plastic container or other items to make a “bar” {see below for more information}

What you’ll do:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a medium glass bowl
  2. Mix well to blend together
  3. Press paste into the mold and allow to dry for a few hours until firm
  4. Once set, remove from the mold (I used an old 4 inch round butter container)
  5. To use the bar: wet and rub the surface of your sink or tub. The bar will gently remove dirt and soap scum. Wipe clean with a damp rag. Rinse with cool water.
  6. Enjoy your beautifully clean tub or sink!
  • To get the mildew smell out of towels, add 1 cup of vinegar, ½ cup of baking soda, and 10 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil to your washing machine. Wash towels in hot water. You can also just simply add 10-20 drops of Tea Tree directly to your washer at the beginning of the washing cycle.
  • Add 10 drops of Germ Fighter or KidSafe Germ Destroyer Synergy to 8 oz of witch hazel or purified water in a spray bottle and use as a disinfectant for surfaces and the air.

Second Stop: Bedrooms

Bedroom Checklist:
  • Vacuum and wipe walls and ceilings
  • Dust and clean all surfaces
  • Open and clean windows
  • Wash drapes, linens, sheets, and all washable items
  • Wipe mirrors
  • Shampoo or steam carpets/rugs

Window Spray

What you’ll need:

  • 12 ounces of water
  • 0.5-1.5% Optiphen Plus*
  • 1 tbsp ammonia
  • 1 tsp rubbing alcohol
  • Essential oils of your choice

**If you choose not to use a preservative you will need to store it in the fridge. Optiphen plus is a preservative which reduces the instance of bacterial growth in water-based products. We recommend that a preservative is used in any water-based products that you make at home. This is a great choice since it contains no parabens, no formaldehyde, and are not formaldehyde contributors.

What you’ll do:

  1. Combine everything in a 32-ounce spray bottle
  2. Spritz windows, wipe with a soft cloth
  3. Ta-da! Sparkling clean glass!!
  • To deodorize your carpet, add a few drops of Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, or your favorite essential oil to a box of baking soda. Then sprinkle onto the carpet. Let sit for about an hour and vacuum.
  • Add a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil to purified water in a spray bottle to use an air freshener. For Bathroom purposes, add Lemon or Plant Therapy’s Citrus Burst Synergy.

Third Stop: Kitchen

Kitchen Checklist:
  • Clean the refrigerator and freezer
  • Degrease appliances
  • Clean the oven
  • Clean window treatments
  • Wash all surfaces, cabinets, appliances, and utensils
  • Sweep, vacuum, and mop floors

Multi-Purpose Spray

What you’ll need:

To use:

Spray and wipe. I use this on my floors and counters. I have little ones so I only use Germ Fighter if the room is well ventilated and my kids are gone for several hours. This recipe also works great for mirrors and windows!

Soft Scrub

What you’ll need:

To use:

Spread the paste, let sit for 5-10 minutes, and scrub away!

Steel Appliance Polish

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

  1. In glass jar or container, combine the vegetable oil with the 2-3 drops of your chosen essential oil
  2. Dab a small amount onto your soft cloth
  3. Use a small circular motion, polish stainless steel
  4. Continue to buff until fingerprints, grime and smudges are removed

Fourth Stop: Living Room

Living Room Checklist:
  • Dust ceiling fans, bookcases, and shelves
  • Vacuum and wipe walls and ceiling
  • Clean sofa/furniture upholstery
  • Wipe light fixtures and light bulbs
  • Clean window treatments
  • Clean and dust electronics
  • Sweep out fireplace
  • Clean carpets
Furniture Polish

What you’ll need:

To use:

Use a very small amount and buff furniture with it until you are left with an even shine. I really love microfiber cloths. If you have streaks, continue to spread and buff until shiny. This is probably my favorite recipe, it left my furniture looking so fresh and vibrant, it also left a gentle and uplifting aroma behind that lasted all afternoon.

If you made it this far, you now have one incredibly clean house, that smells amazing, and was cleaned without using harsh chemicals. Sit back, enjoy your extremely clean house (for at least a few moments), and order in your favorite meal because you definitely deserve it. Plus it will keep your kitchen clean a little longer than usual because there won’t be any dishes to clean!

For more cleaning ideas check out these posts:

What spring cleaning schedule do you like to use and which cleaners worked best for you?