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Planting Kindness for Toys for Tots


Planting Kindness for Toys for Tots

If there’s one charity that just about everyone knows, it’s Toys for Tots! Founded in 1991 at the behest of the U.S. Marine Corps, this amazing charity is all about bringing joy to less fortunate children at Christmas time.

While many of our families enjoy all of the magic the holidays have to offer — cozy homes, crackling fireplaces, and presents under the tree — there are many who are not so fortunate. Within each of our communities, there are children who watch Christmas pass by without so much as a glance their way. Toys for Tots aims to change that. With the gift of a new toy, children in economically disadvantaged households can experience a sense of hope and belonging, knowing that someone, somewhere, wants them to experience the joy of unwrapping a present, given just to them. It is a beautiful gesture supported through multiple fundraising campaigns and a comprehensive collection and toy distribution effort, all with a singular goal — making a child smile!

holly berries

This December, Plant Therapy wants to help spread the joy! For our Planting Kindness initiative, we’ve brought back our customer-favorite Holly Berries Essential Oil Blend. For each and every purchase made from November 30 to December 31, we will donate $5 to Toys for Tots. So not only do you get to enjoy this festive, crisp holiday blend, but you can feel good knowing your purchase quite literally translates into a brand-new toy for a child to love.

The citrusy sweetness of Blood Orange, the crispness of Douglas Fir and Eucalyptus Dives, and the warm earthiness of Patchouli come together to evoke a sense of holiday delight. The aroma is reminiscent of stockings filled with oranges hanging on the mantle, above a warm fireplace and next to a Christmas tree adorned with berries…making this blend a perfect match for your holiday plans! Or try this relaxing DIY Epsom Salt Soak to relax and recuperate after a long day.

Holly Berries Epsom Salt Soak

What you’ll need:

  • 1 ½ cup Epsom salt
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • 2 Tbsp unscented body wash
  • 16 drops Holly Berries

What you’ll do:

Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl. Mix body wash and essential oils in a separate bowl. Blend dry and wet ingredients together, mixing well. Store in an airtight container.

holly berries

Don’t forget to get your hands on Holly Berries and Plant Therapy will donate $5 to Toys for Tots!