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Our Best DIYs for the New Shipping Tubes


Our Best DIYs for the New Shipping Tubes

Plant Therapy is committed to being a sustainable and environmentally friendly company, while still providing top-notch customer service. And we’re always looking for ways to improve! To better protect our products during shipping and to move to more recyclable materials, we’re introducing new shipping tubes.

We’re excited that these shipping containers will be recyclable, but we’re even more excited by all the different ways they can be reused. Check out a few of our favorite DIY ideas!

Passive diffuser with shipping tube and himilayan salt

Tube Passive Diffuser DIY

Looking for a temporary passive diffuser for your latest favorite essential oil? Use our shipping tubes to make an easy-peasy, cost-effective passive diffuser.

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Add some Pink Himalayan Salt to the tube. Add a few drops of your chosen essential oils. Cover the top with the sheer fabric and secure it with a rubber band. Place the passive diffuser on your desk, bedside table, or even in your car’s cupholder. Shake to refresh the scent as needed.

Kids desk organizer made of shipping tubes

Kids Desk Organizer

Are you homeschooling this year? Or do your kiddos need a more organized space to do their homework? Pencils, pens, color crayons, and other little pieces can clutter up any size workspace. Create custom storage solutions out of shipping tubes and give your kids a clean area to work!

What you’ll need:

  • Box lid or tray
  • PT shipping tubes
  • Hot glue gun
  • Ribbon, paint, or glitter

What you’ll do:

Decorate the shipping tubes with paper, glitter, ribbon, paint, or whatever you like. Glue the bottom of the tubes to the top of your lid or tray. Use the organizer to store markers, paint brushes, colored pencils, or any other craft supplies.

DIY windsock

Do It Yourself Windsock

With quarantine and social distancing, a lot of us have had to get creative to keep the kids occupied and happy. If you’re running out of ideas, our tubes are the perfect size for making windsocks! Putting it together and decorating is indoor fun, playing with it is outdoor fun. The best of both worlds!

What you’ll need:

  • PT shipping tubes
  • Colorful streamer
  • Paint
  • String

What you’ll do:

Paint or decorate the shipping tube however you like. Once dry, poke two holes in the bottom of the tube. Thread a string through both holes and knot together so you have a large loop to use as a hanger. Then tape one end of a 12-18 inch streamer inside the tube. Repeat until you have several streamers coming out of the tube. If it’s being hung indoors, you can add a few drops of your favorite KidSafe blend directly to the top of the windsock creating a colorful passive diffuser for little one’s bedroom.

Shipping tubes arranged by size in descending order

Simple Storage

Almost everyone has that one junk drawer (usually in the kitchen) that has random odds and ends that don’t have a spot in the rest of your house. It’s messy and inconvenient, but where else are you going to but your two random batteries and three bobby pins? Try using our new shipping tubes to create order and organization in your junk drawer.

What you’ll need:

  • PT shipping tubes
  • Odds and ends

What you’ll do:

Use the tubes to store and organize your hard to find odds and ends like bobby pins, thumbtacks, nails, tiny legos, Barbie shoes, essential oil roll-ons, spare keys, paper clips, and whatever else you can’t seem to find when you need it! Label, color, or decorate the tubes to signify their contents.

Little girl decorating shipping tube

You can also try using the tubes for:

  • A tiny Piggy Bank
  • On-the-go tissue holder
  • Easy to-go container for doggy treats
  • Napkin rings (decorate for some added glitz and glam)
  • Halloween candy tubes (color the outside and fill with candy)

Do you have more ideas or DIYs for shipping tubes? Share how you use these nifty little tubes in the comments!