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No Shave November: Tips for the Best Beard Ever


No Shave November: Tips for the Best Beard Ever

It’s November 1st, which means it’s time to let the facial hair grow free! But No Shave November isn’t just an excuse to sport that beard that you can’t get away with any other time of the year. It’s actually a non-profit organization dedicated to raising money for cancer prevention, research, and education. The idea is that the money you normally spend on grooming your hair, something that most cancer patients lose, instead is donated to charity. You can learn more about the amazing work the organization is doing by checking out their website. But even though the extra facial hair is done for a good cause, you can still keep your beard looking soft and groomed. We’ve rounded up some of the best tips for taking care of your beard.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Bearded man watching his face

Like the rest of the hair on your head, the beard shouldn’t be forgotten when it comes to shampoo. But unlike the hair on your head, it shouldn’t be washed every day. Normal shampoos can be just a little too harsh for beard hair, especially if your goal is to have a long beard. Instead, you’ll want to wash it once or twice a week. Just enough to make sure it stays clean, but not so much that it dries out your beard. And if a magnificent, luscious beard is your long term goal, then it may be worth investing in a beard shampoo.

Condition, Condition, Condition

Plant Therapy beard balms

A soft, smooth beard can mean the difference between looking like you belong on the cover of GQ and looking like you’re trying to bring the ’70s back, but not in a good way. Luckily, there are a number of great products to help keep your beard soft and tamed. A good place to start is with a regular conditioner when you shower. But you shouldn’t stop there! A quality beard oil will keep your beard soft and your skin healthier for softer, more touchable hair. And a Beard Balm will add that extra bit of conditioning while providing the right amount of styling hold. That way you can make sure all the little hairs stay where they should.

Beard Brushes All the Way

Plant Therapy Beard Balms and Beard Brush

While a normal comb is great for trimming, a Beard Brush is a must-have for those looking to keep their beard around. One of the major benefits it adds is that it helps evenly distribute the oils from the shaft all the way through the rest of the beard. Which is great for making sure you’re getting the most out of your Beard Oils! It also helps to exfoliate and stimulate the skin underneath. The result is a beautifully groomed, flake-free beard.

Keep it Trimmed

Men's grooming and shaving tools

Last but certainly not least, it’s important to trim your beard. Wild and free may have been the style a few decades ago, but a well-shaped beard can flatter your face shape and keep you looking dapper and professional. When it’s short, it’s as easy as using your trimmer. As it grows longer, you can use the different guards to create an expertly faded beard. And don’t forget to trim your neckline! That extra detail provides the right amount of polish for a gorgeous, healthy beard.

If you or your loved ones are growing out their beard for No-Shave November, be sure to tag us on Instagram and show us the magnificent beards!