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National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month: 5 Reasons to Adopt a Furry Friend


National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month: 5 Reasons to Adopt a Furry Friend

Did you know October is National Adopt a Dog Month?! Each year an estimated 3-4 million dogs are waiting in shelters hoping to find their forever homes. There are so many incredible reasons to adopt instead of shop for your new furry friend. Check it out!

1. Save a life

pup & pony essential oils for dogs

With so many dogs entering shelters every year, it’s an unfortunate reality that over 600,000 dogs are still euthanized. While no-kill shelters are on the rise, not every dog is so lucky. By choosing to adopt a dog, you can not only provide a loving home and shelter for a dog in need, but you could very well save its life.

2. Break the cycle

Woman reading outside with her dog

Part of adopting a dog means that before you take them home, they’ll get spayed or neutered. And although Fido might be mourning the loss of his favorite bits, it will keep the number of stray and unwanted dogs down, which means fewer dogs in the shelter.

3. Happy humans

Woman snuggling her dog on the couch

There are many benefits of owning a dog. They can get you out of the house and help you be more active (those morning walks are a good thing!). They can also help deter burglaries, which is definitely a plus. But most importantly, the love and companionship of dogs can help reduce stress and anxiety. Dog owners are even shown to have higher levels of serotonin and dopamine!

4. Something for everyone

essential oils can support a dog's health when used responsibly

When you adopt a dog from a shelter, you can find all sorts. Big dogs, little dogs, puppies, senior dogs, active dogs, couch potatoes, purebreds and lovable mutts. Whatever kind of animal fits best with your lifestyle, you can find at a shelter. Want to avoid the pesky and often frustrating potty-training ordeal? Many adoptable dogs are already house-trained. And if you’ve got your eye on a specific breed, there are even breed-specific rescue groups to help you get that special dog just like the one you had growing up.

5. Money saver

Happy dog asleep on its bed

Adoption fees will not only help keep your local shelter in operation, but they’ll also often cover the cost of spaying or neutering your new fur baby along with some basic vaccinations. You’ll pay a fraction of what you would buying from a breeder and covering those costs yourself.

But what if you already have one dog (or five) and can’t take in any more? You can show your local shelter support by donating supplies, money or even your time! By volunteering at a local shelter you can give these dogs love and attention while they wait for their new family. Shelters can be a stressful environment which means some dogs need a little extra care to help them come out of their shells and get ready for their new family.

For when you bring them home…

Pup & Pony Collection from Plant Therapy

Once the newest member of your family makes it home, you can share your love of aromatherapy with your pet. Our Pup & Pony line was created to help improve the lives of your furry friends. The Man’s Best Friend set includes three blends that will help tackle specific issues. Just make sure to properly introduce your dog to essential oils first and always follow recommended dilutions.

Confident K9: Not all dogs do well at the shelter. If they suffered from anxiety, depression, and nervousness during their stay, it can sometimes be a bit of a process for them to adapt to their new home. If your new shelter pup responds well to essential oils, Confident K9 can help to promote relaxation, support confidence, and soothe worry.

Happy Trails: When you adopt a dog, it can often mean frequent trips in the car. Post-surgery checkups (once again Fido, we’re sorry about the family jewels), follow up vaccinations, or an introduction to the beloved dog park all require road trips. Happy Trails was formulated to make traveling easier. The scent of this blend is soothing to an upset stomach while also comforting to your animals so they stay calm and worry-free.

Paw Balm from Plant Therapy

Show Ready: The time your dog spent in the shelter may have left them more susceptible to illness and disease as it can be a stressful environment. Show Ready utilizes essential oils to help support their immune system in order to help protect them from illness.

Paw Balm: Give your new furry friend a little TLC with our Paw Balm. It can help soothe, nourish, and comfort irritated and lack-luster paws. This blend of protective beeswax, hydrating carrier oils, and soothing essential oils creates a moisturizing barrier and helps to restore skin health.

Have an adoption success story of your own? Let us know in the comments how your furry friend became part of the family!