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Munchy Stop Blend Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week


Munchy Stop Blend Essential Oil Spotlight of the Week

Munchy Stop Synergy Blend

Therapeutic benefits

  • Helps to curb food cravings.
  • Naturally reduces hunger and snack cravings.
  • Citrusy aroma helps boost mood and enhance willpower.
  • Promotes an energizing, healthful feeling.
  • Enhances willpower.


No! This is NOT a KidSafe oil.

Dilution instructions:

For topical application, we recommend a dilution of 1-3%.

Diffusion instructions:

Very easy to diffuse; just add a few drops to your AromaFuse Diffuser and use whenever you need to curb your hunger.

Perfect in an inhaler

Add a few drops of Munchy Stop to a personal aromatherapy inhaler and carry it in your pocket or bag – when you get a sudden craving or desire to munch, simply close your eyes and inhale.

Munchy Stop Hand Lotion

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Mix all ingredients with an electric mixer (hand held or stand mixer). Then fill the squeeze bottles and use as needed.

Try this awesome oil today!