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How to Stay Focused While Working from Home


How to Stay Focused While Working from Home

So many of us have found ourselves facing a new reality amid this global pandemic. And let’s be honest, this new reality comes with a pretty big adjustment period. Some are having to create and maintain a strict budget, learn to cook and meal plan, and adjust to being at home all day in general. And for others, it’s dealing with a new level of stress and anxiety about work, going to work, having work to do, or having to figure out how to make working from home actually work. Trying to stay focused is hard on the best of days, but throw in things like a global pandemic and it can make it even harder to stay on task and focus on what’s important.

Whatever life has thrown at you during these challenging times, we want to help you be able to buckle down and accomplish everything you need to get done. So we’ve compiled a list of ways that all of us (even the PT crew who’s stuck at home) who are now working from home can stay focused and make it a success.

How to stay focused working from home with Brain Aid

Keep a Dedicated Workspace

When working from home, it’s important to keep a dedicated workspace that is separate from your everyday life. This workspace can be a corner in the kitchen, a nook in the living room, or it can be a home office you set up in a spare bedroom. It just needs to be a special place dedicated solely to work. If you can manage it, try to stay away from setting up your workspace in the bedroom. It will make it easier to separate work life from home life.

Avoid Social Media

It’s important when working from home to avoid any disruptions that are going to cause you to become distracted and lose focus. One of the biggest distractions people have today is social media. Social media tends to pull you in for extended periods, which takes away from the task at hand. While scrolling through endless memes or new recipes might help the time pass, try to save it for your off time so you can stay productive and avoid working later than you have to.

How to stay focused at home with Coffee essential oil

Make the Most Out of Your Breaks

One of the hardest things to remember to do when working from home is to take your breaks. Whether it be a fifteen-minute break here or there or a lunch break, be sure to get up and walk away for a little bit. If you find yourself struggling, try using your essential oils to give yourself a little boost. Put some Coffee Essential Oil in your diffuser and take in the aroma. It may not give you that caffeine kick you are used to, but you’d be surprised how much just the smell of coffee can make a difference to the spirit.

Stay Energized

Staying energized throughout the workday is important when it comes to maintaining focus. If you start to feel your eyes falling out of your head, or you start dozing off at the computer, try eating a healthy snack. A few desk-friendly options are popcorn, boiled eggs, carrot sticks, and apples. These snacks not only help keep you full, but they will also help restore and maintain energy. If you need an even bigger boost, consider grabbing an Energy Synergy Pre-Diluted Roll-On. It’s jam-packed with essential oils known to help promote an uplifting and energized atmosphere and feeling. You will love the beautiful aromas of Blood Orange, Peppermint, and Lemon! Or check out our top five energizing single essential oils.

Coffee, Brain Aid, Hocus Focus, Lemon essential oils


Diffusion is an easy thing to do while working from home. Plus you no longer have to worry about diffusing around your coworkers (unless of course, your new office mates have four paws, whiskers and like to join in on your video conferences). There are lots of focus inducing essential oil options to choose from. Some of Plant Therapy’s favorites are Lemon, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Pink Grapefruit, and Basil. If you prefer a pre-made blend, we have A+ Attention, Hocus Focus, Clarity, and Energy. You really can’t go wrong with whatever you choose! Just plug-in your diffuser, add water and drop in your essential oils. Just remember to diffuse for a little while at a time. We recommend 30 minutes of diffusion time every hour as needed.

We hope these tips help you make the most of your new home office situation. Remember, it’s not forever! Before long, we’ll be back at the office and commiserating with coworkers around the water cooler.