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Holiday DIY: Spiced Apple Cider Dusting Spray


Holiday DIY: Spiced Apple Cider Dusting Spray

We dust because we must! Let’s face it — dust in your home is inevitable. The gradual buildup of pollen, skin cells, dander, and dirt will find its way just about everywhere and on everything.

Not only is dust unattractive, but it also decreases your home’s air quality and aggravates allergies. Tackling these dust bunnies is arguably one of the most tedious of household chores, but the longer it’s avoided, the worse it will get.

Before guests arrive for the holidays, freshen up your home with the scent of the season with this simple Spiced Apple Cider Dusting Spray! What you will need:

6 drops Jojoba Carrier Oil
10 drops Spiced Apple Cider Holiday Blend*
4 ounces distilled water
Spray bottle

What you will do:

Add all ingredients to the spray bottle and shake well.
Simply spray and wipe.

*Can substitute any Holiday Blend.