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Geranium Bourbon vs. Geranium Egyptian: Which Geranium Should You Choose?


Geranium Bourbon vs. Geranium Egyptian: Which Geranium Should You Choose?

Which Geranium Should I Choose?

Geranium Essential Oils are an aromatherapy favorite! Their soft, floral scents and incredible therapeutic properties make Geraniums a great essential oil to have in your collection. However, it’s easy to get confused, because there are two different Geranium oils. You’ll see Geraniums listed as one of the following: Egyptian & Bourbon. These two variations have some overlapping (but also different) therapeutic properties because of the origin of the plants.

What Are The Two Geranium Essential Oils?

Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil (sourced from the Reunion Islands)

Scent: Softer, rose-floral scent with a herbaceous hint.

Therapeutic benefits:
  • Helps balance the mind during times of agitation, as well as sadness.
  • Blends well with other oils.
  • Gentle and great for skin, helping balance and alleviate all skin types.
  • A great choice to help women with menstrual discomfort and emotional ups and downs.

Geranium Egyptian Essential Oils (sourced from Egypt)

Scent: A fresh, green, floral aroma.

Therapeutic benefits:
  • Uplifting to the senses
  • Known for having a beneficial effect on women’s reproductive health
  • Helpful in easing the tension associated with worry and stress.
  • Gentle and beneficial for skin care, especially those aging skin
  • Balances the skin and helps improve overall complexion, when added to a face wash or cream
  • Helps soothe and relieve muscle and joint discomfort caused by overexertion.

Which Geranium Should I Choose?

Geranium Bourbon
  • Outdoor Annoyances: Protect yourself against harmful insects by using this natural repellent spray. Combine 1 cup of water, ½ cup of apple cider vinegar, and 30 drops of Geranium Bourbon. Spritz on before heading outside. Great for taking camping and hiking.
  • Emotional Regulation During your Menstrual Cycle: Add a few drops to your aromatherapy diffuser or personal aromatherapy inhaler.
  • Skin Issues: Dilute at a 1% with Rosehip Carrier Oil and apply to a clean face to even skin tone and reduce redness.
  • Topical Application: Dilute to 2-4% for other areas of the body (we recommend 1% for facial application).
Geranium Egyptian
  • Menstrual Discomfort: Blend 3 drops of Geranium Egyptian and 3 drops of Clary Sage in 2 tsp. of Evening Primrose Oil. Massage on the abdomen during times of menstrual discomfort.
  • Aging Skin Serum: In a small jar add 2 oz. of your favorite carrier oil, aloe vera gel, or Plant Therapy’s Aloe Vera Jelly with 24 drops of Geranium Egyptian. Apply a pea size amount onto the skin at night.
  • Muscle and Joint Relief: Dilute Geranium Egyptian at a 2-4% with your favorite Plant Therapy carrier oil and apply to affected areas to reduce discomfort and swelling.
  • Topical Application: Dilute to 2-4% for other areas of the body (we recommend 1% for facial application).