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FriYAY: Allergy Season Edition


FriYAY: Allergy Season Edition

The sun is shining. The grass is turning green. Flowers are starting to peek up out of the ground. Which can mean only one thing. Spring is here… and so are allergies. Cue the runny nose, watery eyes, constant sneezing and general miserableness that comes with seasonal allergies. While essential oils can’t solve all your problems, there are some truly outstanding options to help ease some of the symptoms so you can enjoy the beautiful, sunny outdoors.

Plant Therapy Blue Tansy Essential Oil

Blue Tansy

When it comes to allergies, Blue Tansy is one of the first essential oils on any aromatherapist’s list. With a rich blue hue, it is unmatched in its ability to support healthy respiration during allergy season. It helps open your airways, allowing for easier, more comfortable breathing. If your symptoms are particularly bad, try using a drop or two in a facial steam. To enjoy all the Blue Tansy goodness when you’re on a walk in the park or hiking in the woods or trying to enjoy your kids’ soccer game, keep an aromatherapy inhaler nearby and take a whiff when you need some relief.

Blue Tansy offers many other incredible benefits. It’s a very calming and relaxing oil. Blue Tansy’s complex and sweet aroma is great to soothe a worried mind and promote a sense of calmness that can help power you through stressful times. Try it in a diffuser using 1 drop of Blue Tansy with 3 drops of Bergamot and 2 drops of Cedarwood Atlas to help recover some wellbeing after a long day. Blue Tansy is also wonderful for skincare, especially when it comes to redness and irritation. For facial application, we recommend a 1% dilution. So, if you have about 2 teaspoons of carrier oil, lotion, or cleanser, simply add 2-3 drops of Blue Tansy and continue using your product as you normally would.

If you’re wondering about this blue oil staining your skin, rest easy. When properly diluted, Blue Tansy will not stain your skin. However, it can stain fabrics and should be handled carefully.

How to Use

To use Blue Tansy topically, dilute to 2-4% in a carrier oil or lotion. Or add 2-3 drops to your diffuser to help support respiratory health.

Some Things to Know

  • KidSafe: Yes
  • Pregnancy & Nursing Safe: Yes
  • Pup & Pony Approved: No
  • Shelf Life: 1-2 years

Plant Therapy Clear Again Essential Oil Blend

Clear Again

Want to take the guesswork out of essential oils and allergy season? Meet Clear Again. This carefully crafted essential oil blend combines Lavender, German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Helichrysum, and Niaouli. It’s designed to help relieve your allergy symptoms and support a healthy respiratory system. To enjoy the benefits, add 4-6 drops to your diffuser and diffuse for about 60 minutes. It will not only fill your home with a pleasant, woodsy and floral scent but will also help you breathe free and clear.

How to Use

Add a few drops to your diffuser to help your whole household breathe easier. You can also add a few drops to an inhaler to use throughout the day. If you want to use it topically, dilute to 3-5% in your favorite carrier oil and rub on your chest.

Some Things to Know

Plant Therapy Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile Roman

When you think of Chamomile, usually sleep, relaxation and a warm cup of tea are the first things that come to mind. While Chamomile will always be at the top of this when it comes to sleep blends, it’s another fantastic option to have in your arsenal for relief from allergy season. Like Blue Tansy and Clear Again, Chamomile Roman works great in an aromatherapy inhaler or in your diffuser. And if your allergies have you losing a little sleep, you can take advantage of the calming action and respiratory benefits after you climb into bed.

How to Use

Chamomile Roman offers a number of skin benefits as well! Dilute to 2-5% in a carrier oil and lotion and apply to red, inflamed skin. It also works well as a chest rub to help with allergies. Add 2-3 drops to your diffuser to enjoy the sweet, apple-like scent that will help clear your breathing.

Some Things to Know

  • KidSafe: Yes
  • Pregnancy & Nursing Safe: Yes
  • Pup & Pony Approved: Yes
  • Shelf Life: 2-3 years

Plant Therapy Blue Tansy Essential Oil

Respiratory Powerhouse Inhaler DIY

What you’ll need:

Add all these products to your cart

What you’ll do:

Add all drops to your personal aromatherapy inhaler. Inhale deeply to support healthy respiratory function.