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Essential Oils for Summer Vacations


Essential Oils for Summer Vacations

Hands up if you’re already planning your summer vacation! After all, it is one of the best parts of summer. It’s the chance to enjoy life, the summer sun and just get away for a bit. No matter what kind of vacation you have planned, we’ve got some amazing tips to help you cut the chemicals, enjoy your essential oils and have an amazing vacation.

All About That Beach

family vacation at the beach

Sun, sand and surf. What could be better? If you’re headed to the beach this summer, there are definitely a few things you’ll want to have on hand.

Lavender Aloe Jelly

We’ve all been burnt by the sun. If you forgot to reapply sunscreen or maybe just missed a spot, keep the Lavender Aloe Jelly nearby. Not only does the Aloe help soothe your red and tender skin, but Lavender essential oil is known for its ability to revitalize and soothe skin, including sunburns and minor cooking burns.

Peppermint Hydrosol

As beautiful as the beaches can be, they can also be… well… hot. An easy and convenient way to cool yourself down is with a hydrosol. Just spritz over your body for a light, cooling mist. Plus, you can choose from a few varieties. Peppermint would be perfect since it has cooling properties. Or use Chamomile or Lavender for their relaxing benefits. You can’t go wrong!

The Balm Squad

Whether it’s the sun or sand, it’s no fun to have dried out skin. Use the Organic Healing Balm to help with dry patches, irritated skin or even minor cuts and bruises.

Happiest Place On Earth

friends having fun at a carnival

Theme parks can be such a fun and incredible experience. Whether you’re going to take a picture with your favorite character, ride the biggest roller coaster or do everything you possibly can, it’s sure to be a blast of a summer vacay. Check out of a few of our most useful products.


Running around a busy theme park can be fun. But with a lot of people around, you’ll want to make sure you stay protected from seasonal illnesses. Our newest blend, Defender is an ideal choice to boost your immune system with its fresh, fruity fragrance.


If you start out great in the morning but feel yourself flagging by the afternoon, a personal inhaler might be just thing! It’s an easy and portable way to enjoy your favorite oils. Plus, our Energy blend is designed to give you a boost when you feel your energy drop. It combines the uplifting aromas of Blood Orange, Peppermint, Lemon and more.

Muscle Aloe Jelly

If your muscles start protesting after a long day on your feet, not to worry. Our Muscle Aloe Jelly combines powerful essential oils like Sweet Basil, Black Pepper, and Chamomile to help provide an icy-hot sensation that will help bring relief to achy muscles.

The Great Outdoors

couple enjoying a camping trip

Prefer nature to a resort? Who can blame you! Sometimes it’s good to get away from technology and enjoy the mountains, rivers, lakes, and woods. But spending time outside comes with issues of its own.

Shield Me or Nature Shield

Help keep bugs at bay with Nature Shield (for adults) or use Shield Me on the whole family. When combined with a carrier (Aloe Jelly, lotion, or even in a spray), these blends will help keep the outdoor annoyances away. Check out this simple recipe for a DIY Outdoor Spray!

Lavender Hydrosol

A nice hike can sometimes result in a little too much sun. Use a Lavender Hydrosol to help soothe the skin and cool you down. And if you find yourself on a longer camping trip, a good deodorizer is a must have. Spray this on your clothing or sleeping bag to help keep things smelling fresh.

Blue Cypress

Bug bites happen. And itching is a surefire way to put a damper on your trip. Blue Cypress is a fantastic option to help soothe the itching. Just whip up this DIY before you head out!

Did Someone Say… Road Trip!

children on a road trip

A road trip is an amazing way to see the country and take the road less traveled. No matter where the road takes you, you’ll definitely want these with you.


One of the most unpleasant things to have to happen on the road is motion sickness. It can make the whole trip unbearable. Luckily, Peppermint essential oil is an excellent remedy for this. Use passive diffusion while you drive or use in a carrier oil and massage onto your abdomen.

Tummy All Better or DiGiZen

There’s not always enough time for healthy eating on the road. And eating food our stomachs aren’t used to can lead to digestive upset. If you’re looking for a KidSafe option, dilute Tummy All Better to 2-3% in a carrier oil and apply to the tummy. Adults can use DiGiZen in a similar manner to help relieve stomach issues.

Nighty Night

So many people have a hard time sleeping in strange places. If you or your family has a hard time relaxing in a new hotel room, use Nighty Night to promote overall relaxation and help everyone unwind after a long day on the road.

If you love finding more ways to use essential oils and cut chemicals from your life, be sure to check out our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook group.