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Enjoy Scented Gift Wrap This Holiday!


Enjoy Scented Gift Wrap This Holiday!

This Christmas morning, make the scene under your tree unforgettable. Delight your family with lightly scented presents and gift bags using your favorite Holiday Blend. That way, when the kids come crashing down the stairs they’re greeted with BOTH an amazing sight and wonderful holiday aromas!

Mom opening Plant Therapy essential oils on Christmas with FamilyTrust us — it’s very easy to scent your wrapping and tissue paper. You just need a few supplies and a couple of days. So, if you’re a last-minute gift wrapper (pulling a Christmas Eve all-nighter!) this technique may not work very well; make sure to plan ahead.

First, choose the wrapping and/or tissue paper you would like to have scented. Then pick your favorite Holiday Blend and add 1-3 drops onto a cotton ball. Place the wrapping/tissue paper and cotton ball in a large plastic bag, seal it shut, and let it sit for at least 24 hours. Please take care not to let the oil come in direct contact with the paper if you don’t want to risk a stain. Also, if you choose to use a large paper bag to hold the paper and cotton ball, keep in mind that the aroma will permeate through the bag.

Want to add even more pizazz to those presents? Try this No Sew Felt Flower — easy, cute, and another great way to add some more passive diffusion to your holiday!

No Sew Felt Flowers

Plant Therapy DIY felt flowers for giftsWhat you’ll need:

  • Felt in the desired color for your flower
  • Glue gun with glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Holiday Blend of your choice

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What you’ll do:

  1. Cut out felt circles of various sizes to create petals.
  2. Cut one slit from the edge to the center of the circle for each felt petal.
  3. Curve the shape of the petal by grabbing the point on either side of the slit, overlapping the pieces, then gluing the sides together.
  4. Repeat until the desired numbers of petals have been made.
  5. Assemble your flower by starting with the smallest petals in the center and building outward. Glue to hold petals in place.
  6. Bend the edges of the petals outward.
  7. Add 1 drop of your favorite Holiday Blend to the center of the flower.

**The intention is to have the wrapping paper/tissue paper/felt flower be lightly scented. An aroma that is too intense may be unappreciated by the receiver or make them feel unwell. Please do this only for gifts for people you are familiar with and will not have an unsafe reaction to the oils used.