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DIY Gingerbread Coffee Scrub


DIY Gingerbread Coffee Scrub

It’s no secret that we love a good DIY scrub. Whether you use salt or sugar, the exfoliation they provide can transform your skincare routine. A good exfoliant (like this coffee scrub) will help your skin look brighter, allow your skincare products to absorb more easily, and help prevent clogged pores. Plus, when you exfoliate before shaving, it will help remove dead skin cells and allow you to get the closest, smoothest shave possible.

But salt and sugar aren’t the only tools in your kit to help give you smooth, healthy skin. Coffee is full of antioxidants and caffeine, which may help improve the overall look and feel of your skin. Many even believe it to help with cellulite (but there hasn’t been enough research to say for sure). Luckily, this DIY is simple, easy and smells fantastic. We recommend using a light roast coffee to avoid staining or a completely overwhelming coffee aroma. When paired with our Gingerbread blend, it will take on notes of your favorite spiced coffee shop drink.

Gingerbread Coffee Scrub Instructions

Gingerbread Coffee Scrub

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Combine carrier oils and essential oils in a bowl. Add coffee grounds and mix well to combine. Use a small amount to exfoliate and smooth skin. Store in an airtight container.

What’s your favorite exfoliant? Let us know in the comments below.