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DIY Cuticle Balm


DIY Cuticle Balm

Plant Therapy Cuticle Balm DIY

Let’s talk about nails.

Recently, I have discovered that I don’t take very good care of my nails. So in a concerted effort to do better, I wanted to create an easy cuticle balm to keep my ragged cuticles looking their best.

We focus a lot on essential oils at Plant Therapy!

But many don’t realize we offer a variety of other items to help you make the MOST of your essential oils. Let’s take a look at some of the other great products Plant Therapy offers. I want to showcase two of my favorites today in this simple DIY.

Jojoba Oil is one of my favorite carriers. It’s actually a liquid wax and has an incredibly long shelf life. I love to infuse vanilla beans into mine to use in many of my DIY projects. I also really love it for use on the skin since it’s so nourishing.

Beeswax is what holds many of my projects together. Using a combination of butters, essential oils, and carrier oils, I have been able to replace most things I used to buy at the store with homemade (and better for me) versions. Not only does beeswax help keep lotions and creams together, but it is also very nourishing to the skin and can create a barrier to avoid moisture loss. Perfect for hands that are in the dishes quite a bit!

Healthy Cuticles with Essential Oils
Keep your cuticles healthy with essential oils!

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

  1. Melt beeswax in a glass bowl over simmer water
  2. Add jojoba and stir. You’ll notice when you add the cooler jojoba oil, it may solidify slightly then remelt. This is fine.
  3. Add honey, stir to combine
  4. Pour into lip balm tubes.

This project makes 6-7 tubes so you can share with your friends or keep one in your purse and one on your night stand with extras!!

Of course, if you’d like to scent your cuticle balm you are welcome to add a few (4-5 drop) of an essential oil or essential oil blend. One I might recommend is Silky Soft – which is wonderful for skin! We hope that you enjoy this recipe and if you have any questions, please be in touch with us via email at Aromatherapist@planttherapy.com