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Unique, Natural, and Sustainable Gifts for Mom


Unique, Natural, and Sustainable Gifts for Mom

We can all agree that Moms are special and deserve to be celebrated every day of the year. They are the true superheroes in our lives, and sometimes, it can be difficult to articulate how much they mean to us with just a simple greeting card and flowers. We’ve compiled a list of unique and sustainable gifts you can present to your mom this Mother’s Day that will help leave a lasting memory for years to come.

mom and child watering plants

House Plants

There’s nothing wrong with getting Mom that bouquet of gorgeous flowers at the store. But after a week or so, they start to wither away. For those moms that have green thumbs, consider getting her a house plant or flowers to plant in the garden. Plus, gifting mom with a house plant instead not only extends your gift’s shelf life but is a great twist on giving Mom the typical floral arrangement. House plants aren’t just pretty, they help purify the air and offer many other benefits. They also help uplift emotions, reduce stress, and can be therapeutic for the mind.

If you’re not sure where to start, Anthuriums are a beautiful house plant that holds blooming flowers which takes the typical bouquet up a step. Snake plants and ZZ plants are just a few beginner plants that are easier to maintain. For pet moms out there, consider getting her a Bird’s Nest Fern, a house plant that is safe for our curious cats and dogs. For a tropical look and feel, Parlor Palms are a great touch of green inside any home. As for moms who don’t necessarily have a green thumb, Cacti or succulents require little maintenance while still being able to brighten up any living space. In addition, level up your gifted house plant by painting and decorating the outside of a terracotta pot to put your greenery in, which makes your gift even more personalized.

Unbreakable Unique Twist Aromatherapy Necklace

Support a Small Business

We understand the feelings of frustration that might arise when trying to find the perfect gift for your mom. You might spend hours searching the internet for something that is sentimental and original so she can cherish for a long time. Instead, consider shopping from a small or local business. Not only will you be supporting a local business, but you’ll also be able to give Mom a one-of-a-kind gift that shows her how unique she really is.

Maybe start by purchasing personalized ceramics like mugs, dishes, or bowls. Another option is to check out your local street market for art and decor vendors. For moms who love to accessorize, handcrafted jewelry is a great present to remind her how much you love her. Plant Therapy collaborated with Unique Twist Jewelry, a local business in Twin Falls, Idaho. There are three gift sets to choose from, each comes with a fun, new essential oil blend and a handcrafted aromatherapy necklace. To learn more about the exclusive gift sets, read more in this blog post.

Mom and Daughter

DIY Natural Beauty Gifts

There’s a saying that goes, “it’s the thought that counts.” And nothing says thoughtful like creating your Mother’s Day gift with your own two hands. For all the crafty folks, turn your DIY projects into a personal gift. Crafty or not, creating these products is easier than you think, and using natural ingredients gives you greater peace of mind, knowing exactly what you’re using. Don’t know where to start? We got you covered. Head over to our blog where we have a multitude of DIY recipes for you to choose from (you can thank us later).

Whether it’s lip balm, bath bombs, lotions, and creams, or body scrubs, there is so much you can make to give Mom the self-care she deserves. Many DIY projects like this need a base such as a carrier oil, a butter, or wax pearls. Not sure where to look for these ingredients? Check out our DIY ingredients section of our shop to get you going. If you’re like us and have a drawer full of empty candle jars or containers, now is the perfect occasion to reuse them!

To jumpstart your crafty gift, here are some DIY recipes Mom would enjoy:

Do you have any special Mother’s Day traditions? Let us know down below in the comments!