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Spring Clean for the Spirit


Spring Clean for the Spirit

By: Ellen Brenner, Certified Aromatherapist


Symbols and rites of spring have long celebrated renewal, rebirth, revitalization, and rejoicing. One of our time-honored seasonal rituals calls for a good, clearing spring clean.

House clean you say? Well, of a sort. At the same time we refresh our living space with a deep clean, we can also clear out the cobwebs from the place we live within ourselves.

After a restoration Aroma Greenperiod, during the inward season of winter, the arrival of spring heralds a time to reopen mind, body and spirit as we once again turn out toward the warming sun.

For me, the arrival of spring is joyous time signaling a survival of the spirit, profound rebirth, and personal growth from my soul space.

Growing up in a sunshine state, I had the privilege of a year-round perfect climate. Then, I left the beaches of Southern California for the plains of Chicago just before what turned out to be one of the coldest winters on record. I went from flip flops one month, to layers upon layers of clothing two months later so my flesh literally would not freeze. As a child of summer, hunkered down and hibernating through that first long and miserable winter, I didn’t know if I could ever weather that again.

Eventually, the sun reemerged along with a thaw. And, then came the tulips. No one had told me about the tulips. But, suddenly, they were popping up and blooming everywhere blanketing every available space from the suburbs to the city in a joyful and extraordinary celebration of life renewed. And, I understood. You get through the dark winters knowing it will be followed by the re-emergence of the tulips.

Years later, I broke my neck on a business trip in the South. When I was stable enough to be transported, I returned home to Connecticut for rehabilitation. The months of winter ticked by marking my slow, but steady progress. While I was determined, there were also many days of despair and frustration as I focused on what I had lost and how far I had yet to go.

By the time spring arrived, my body was able to enjoy some pleasure rides beyond the necessary and previously painful trips to doctor, physical therapy, and the many other health appointments. The warmth of the sun, and new greening of the earth, encouraged me to bloom from a deeply internal place of restoration. And then, on one of those pleasure rides, I finally experienced a deep soul sense of rejoicing when I realized I had lived to see the lilacs again.

While spring is a profoundly personal time of rebirth for me, affirmed by new life growing from within the earth, we each experience this time of renewal in our own unique way. Below you will find five blends in an offering I call the Spring Clean For the Spirit Set.

Just as our cravings turn from heavy and hearty foods to fresh and tender greens, I am called in the same seasonal way toward the scents of spring to support the clearing of our spirit. Essential oils that are lighter, cleaner, refreshing, and renewing.

While these scents indeed support our mind and body, here I am going to share how they support what’s called our subtle body – our spirit, soul, essence – or however you personally think of your life force. The idea is just to refresh our living space within ourselves in sync with the season.

These are written as sample master blends. You can try them on cotton balls to see what resonates with you. It may be one blend, or it may be all of them.

Don’t over think it. Just go where you feel support for your own seeds of growth.

These blends can be used in your diffuser, or scaled up to 15 drops for your personal inhalers.

Cleanse and Center

3 drops Lemon
2 drops Lavender

Centering, calming, clearing, cleansing, and clarifying. Refreshing and restoring. Strengthening and uplifting. Balancing and healing to all energy centers and overall natural energy flow of the subtle body.

Lighten the Spirit

2 drops Geranium Bourbon
2 drops Neroli
1 drops Orange Sweet

Invites positive energy and nourishes the soul with joy. Links body and soul in support of spiritual work. Gently clears energy blocks. Restorative and regenerating. Promotes creativity.

Clear the Clutter

2 drops Basil Linalool
2 drops Bergamot
1 drop Sandalwood

Clearing and cleansing. Comforting and encouraging. Restorative and opening. Invites positive energy. Supports healing on all levels. Eases wounds of the heart. Strengthening and grounding, yet elevating to the spirit. Encourages a higher state of consciousness while helping us to link to our spiritual center.

Refresh and Renew

2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Rosemary 1,8 cineole
1 drop Lime

Cleansing and clarifying. Refreshing, revitalizing and restoring. Encourages and inspires clear insight. Strengthens, motivates and energizes. Supports creation energy.

Inspire and Create

2 drops Lime
2 drops Spearmint
1 drop Bergamot

Clears and cleanses. Invites positive energy. Eases wounds of the heart supporting unconditional love. Energizing. Supports clear insights.Inspires creation energy.


Davis, P. (1991). Subtle Aromatherapy. Great Britain: The C.W. Daniel Company, Ltd.

Keim, J. and Bull, R. (2015). Aromatherapy & Subtle Energy Techniques. CreateSpace.

Lawless, J. (1994) Aromatherapy and the Mind. Great Britain; Thorsons.