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New Oils Added to Our Lineup: Rhododendron, Organic Blood Orange & More!


New Oils Added to Our Lineup: Rhododendron, Organic Blood Orange & More!

Did someone say new oils!? That’s right! We’re adding not one, not two, but eight new oils to our lineup. Both Rhododendron and Organic Blood Orange are completely new additions. The other six essential oil singles and blends are previous Oil of the Month selections that are back for good! So whether it’s time to try something completely new or stock up on an old favorite, we’ve got you covered. Now it’s time to discover what makes each of these new additions so special.



Rhododendron essential oil comes from the exotic hills of Nepal. Steam distilled from the leaves, twigs, and flowers of the plant, you’re left with a delicate floral aroma that slightly balsamic with herbaceous undertones. The incredible, soothing aroma can help give you emotional support when you need it most. But the benefits don’t end there! Rhododendron can also help provide mental clarity when you’re dealing with times of grief and sadness. It’s also an incredibly essential oil to have next time seasonal allergies hit as it helps support a healthy respiratory system.

The delicate, pleasant aroma also makes Rhododendron an ideal choice for use in perfume, haircare and skincare DIYs!

Organic Blood Orange

Organic Blood Orange Essential Oil

Blood Orange is a staple for any essential oil enthusiast. It’s well known for its intense juicy-fresh, zesty, citrus scent. This incredible uplifting and stimulating oil can help ease nervous tension and promote a happy mood. So while Blood Orange is definitely not new on the essential oil scene, our Certified Organic version sure is!

When you buy one of our organic oils, you can trust that there are no Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) used in the entire production process. Also, the soil where the plants grow must be completely clean of any prohibited substances and must have been clean for the past three years. There is also no use of harmful pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. If you’d like to learn more about the organic process, check out this in-depth look at our organic oils.

Bergamot Mint

Plant Therapy Oil of the Month Selections

Although Bergamot Mint, Mentha citrata, is technically from the mint family, it has a unique light citrusy, fruity aroma with a hint of mint that is reminiscent of Lavender. The main constituents are Linalool and Linalyl Acetate, both of which are well-known for their incredible uplifting and calming properties. The chemical makeup of Bergamot Mint crosses between Lavender and Bergamot, with just a hint of mint. It is safer than other mint oils and due to its high Linalool content. You’ll find it is calming, yet not sedating, and can carry you away from every day worries.

This amazing oil has so many other incredible benefits. It supports healthy emotional balance, calms the mind, and helps renew the spirit. Bergamot Mint is also helpful with body discomfort and occasional digestive upset. Add a few drops to your diffuser to enjoy the refreshing, clean scent and immune support benefits.

Fantastic Franks

Fantastic Franks Essential Oil blend Plant Therapy

An Oil of the Month favorite, Fantastic Franks is back for good! It perfectly blends four varieties of Frankincense: Carterii, Frereana, Papyrifera, and Sacra. Aptly dubbed the King of Oils, Frankincense has a rich history in Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian, and Christian traditions. Fantastic Franks, with the union of four amazing Frankincense oils, has a fresh, clean, warm, spicy aroma.

This incredible blend can help ease emotions and promote feelings of peace. When used topically, Fantastic Franks can encourage skin rejuvenation, support the immune system, and help soothe muscle and joint soreness. It’s sure to become a new favorite!

Chocolate Truffle

This oil is so delicious smelling, you might be tempted to eat it! Even though that wouldn’t be a great idea, Chocolate Truffle is the perfect blend of Vanilla Extract and Cocoa Absolute. The result is a rich, decadent chocolate aroma that is undeniably uplifting and delightful.

To make a wonderfully smelling ChocoLatte diffuser blend, add 3 drops of Chocolate Truffle, 3 drops of Coffee Essential Oil, and 1-2 drops of Cinnamon Bark and enjoy the rich and spicy latte aroma.

Lavender Flower CO2

Calling all Lavender fans! We have another amazing Lavender oil to add to your collection. Unlike our steam-distilled options, this oil is extracted using a different method. With a CO2 extract, Carbon Dioxide is pressurized until it’s a liquid. It is then used as the solvent to remove the oil from the plant material. The result is a beautiful essential oil where the smell is closer to the actual plant.

Lavender Flower CO2’s aroma is richer and closer to the true plant, retaining more of its beneficial properties. It also has a longer shelf life, lasting up to 5 years! This highly aromatic Lavender can have a profound effect on your mental well-being, leaving you relaxed, calm, and refreshed. In addition to being superb for skin rejuvenation and integrity, it is also emotionally supportive and provides clarity.

Magnolia Flower

Magnolia Flower is a rare essential oil that a rich history in traditional Chinese Medicine. Our oil is sourced from China from the flowers of the Magnolia Tree that are harvested at night when their aroma is most potent. Magnolia Flower has a sweet, fruity and exotic scent that is both relaxing and uplifting. It has the added benefit of helping to relax both the mind and body. In addition, it’s great for helping heal minor abrasions and scrapes. If it’s that time of the month, it can also help provide some much-needed relief from menstrual cramps.

Moldavian Dragonhead

And the final oil that is making its way into our permanent lineup is Moldavian Dragonhead! It has a distinctive fresh, spicy lemon scent that is similar to Melissa, but it has a more unique chemical makeup. Additionally, it has a low yield making it more costly than other oils. But don’t worry, it is well worth the investment. Moldavian Dragonhead’s many benefits include helping to reduce digestive upset, boosting the immune system, fighting against seasonal threats, and relieving symptoms of restlessness.

Don’t forget to join our Safe Essential Oil Recipes (SEOR) Facebook Group for a fantastic community of essential oil lovers.