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Learn About Curry Leaf and Lemon Petitgrain Essential Oils


Learn About Curry Leaf and Lemon Petitgrain Essential Oils

As part of our Oil of the Month subscription, we're thrilled to bring you two exceptional oils that will not only elevate your senses but also offer a wide range of health and wellness benefits. For the month of November, we present to you Curry Leaf Essential Oil and Lemon Petitgrain Essential Oil, each with its unique characteristics and applications.

Curry Leaf Essential Oil 

Originating from the lush landscapes of India, Curry Leaf Essential Oil is a fragrant treasure that captures the essence of its native region. Beyond its captivating aroma, this oil is packed with active compounds believed to offer numerous health benefits.

  • Antioxidant Powerhouse: One of the standout features of Curry Leaf Essential Oil is its richness in antioxidants. These compounds are known to combat free radicals, which can cause cellular damage and accelerate the aging process. By incorporating Curry Leaf into your daily routine, you may be able to mitigate oxidative stress, helping to maintain the elasticity and texture of your skin. This could potentially reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Skin Health: The natural cleansing properties of Curry Leaf make it an excellent choice for maintaining clear and balanced skin. It can help reduce oil production and support overall skin health, making it a valuable addition to your skincare regimen.

  • Hair Care: Curry Leaf Essential Oil isn't just for your skin. Its nutrient-rich profile is believed to strengthen hair follicles, potentially reducing hair fall and promoting healthy growth. Additionally, it can help maintain a healthy scalp by reducing dandruff and flakiness when incorporated into hair oils or conditioners.

Some Things to Know

Primary Constituents:

  • β-Phellandrene
  • β-Caryophyllene
  • Limonene

Aromatic Scent:  Rich, warm, and spicy, with citrus notes

Directions: Aromatic - Diffuse using 2-3 drops per 100 mL of water. Topical - Dilute to 1-2% in a carrier.

Shelf Life: 2-3 Years

KidSafe/Pup & Pony Safe: Yes

Pregnancy Safe/Nursing Safe: No

Quick Callouts:

  • Rich, warm, and spicy scent 
  • Encourages scalp and hair health 
  • Great for blemish-prone skin

Blends Well With: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Lavender, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang

Curry Leaf & Lemon Petitgrain EO

Lemon Petitgrain Essential Oil

Imagine a citrusy aroma that's more than just a burst of lemon – it's a sophisticated blend of floral and woody notes. This is the enchanting scent of Lemon Petitgrain Essential Oil, extracted from the leaves of the lemon tree. It stands out with its complex fragrance that invokes the freshness of lemon while offering so much more.

  • Calming and Uplifting: Lemon Petitgrain is renowned for its calming properties. It can help alleviate feelings of emotional tension, promoting a sense of inner tranquility. Its uplifting scent acts as a mood enhancer, banishing fatigue and rejuvenating your spirits.
  • Skincare Wonder: When diluted and applied topically, Lemon Petitgrain's natural cleansing and fortifying properties can rejuvenate your skin, leaving it with a radiant glow and a fresh, clear appearance. Incorporating it into your facial oils or cleansers can be a game-changer for your skincare routine.

    Some Things to Know

    Primary Constituents:

    • Limonene
    • β-Pinene
    • Geranial

    Aromatic Scent:  Sweet grass with sharp lemon and soft floral notes

    Directions: Aromatic - Diffuse using 3-4 drops per 100 mL of water. Topical - Dilute to 1-3% in a carrier.

    Shelf Life: 1-2 Years

    KidSafe, Pregnancy Safe, Nursing Safe, Pup & Pony Safe: Yes

    Quick Callouts:

    • Supports a positive mindset 
    • Promotes a tranquil atmosphere 
    • Helps rejuvenate the look of skin

    Blends Well With: Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Neroli, Pink Grapefruit

    Both Curry Leaf and Lemon Petitgrain Essential Oils offer a delightful sensory experience and a myriad of potential health and wellness benefits. Whether you're looking to pamper your skin, uplift your mood, or simply savor their enchanting aromas, these oils are a must-try this month. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your self-care routine with these special oils.

    Woman Applying Facial Oil


    Fresh & Clear Skin Essential Oil Blend 


    40 drops Lemon Petitgrain 

    20 drops Curry Leaf 

    20 drops Lavender 

    20 drops Frankincense Frereana 

    How to use: Mix all ingredients together to create a 5 mL stock blend. Set aside a desired amount of your daily skin moisturizer, and add 9 drops of the blend for every 1 oz of moisturizer. Combine well and apply to skin to help improve appearance of skin and reduce signs of aging as well as blemishes. 

    You may have heard that our Oil of the Month Subscription is changing in 2024. While we'll still be offering exciting offers and exceptional oils, the subscription experience is getting a refresh. Stay tuned for these enhancements, and we can't wait to share the exciting updates with you.