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Holiday Bathroom Odor Obliterator


Holiday Bathroom Odor Obliterator

bathroom odor eliminator DIY

With so many guests filling your home this holiday season, it’s important to make sure your *ahem* facilities are kept nice and clean. No one wants their friends or family members crinkling their nose up whenever they have to answer the call of nature. Try this spray to help keep your shared bathroom a bit more pleasant for everyone! Just spray it into the toilet, before or after, to help keep unpleasant odors at bay. For more bathroom DIYs, try this Reed Diffuser, Toilet Bomb, and All Purpose Cleaner!

Odor Obliterator

bathroom odor eliminator DIY

What you will need:
  • 4-ounce spray bottle
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin
  • 45-50 drops Christmas Tree Holiday Blend*
  • 3.5 ounces distilled water
  • 40 drops Optiphen Plus**
What you will do:
  1. Add vegetable glycerin, Optiphen Plus, and Christmas Tree to the spray bottle.
  2. Stir or swirl to combine.
  3. Add water to fill and shake prior to each use.
  4. Spray into toilet water prior to using the restroom. This creates a barrier on the water, as well as releases a pleasant scent into the room.

*Can substitute any Holiday Blend.

** Due to the water content, this product should be stored in the fridge and used within a week. Otherwise, add a preservative, such as Optiphen Plus.