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DIY Vanilla Chai Sugar Scrub & Potpourri Spray


DIY Vanilla Chai Sugar Scrub & Potpourri Spray

It wouldn’t be fall without our favorite fall drinks. Of course, Pumpkin Spice takes the main stage… but there’s another favorite that needs some time in the spotlights: Vanilla Chai! We combined our new Vanilla Botanical Extract with some Chai tea from the grocery store and came up with two festive DIYs. The Vanilla Chai Sugar Scrub uses white sugar as well as the tea leaves to gently exfoliate your skin while the coconut oil offers skin softening properties.

And if fall decor is more your thing, whip up the Vanilla Chai Potpurri Spray as a quick way to infuse some fall goodness into your home.

DIY Vanilla Chai Sugar Scrub

Vanilla Chai Sugar Scrub

It’s an understatement to say this year has been stressful. You deserve to treat yourself to a nice, relaxing, spa day. We crafted this luxurious Vanilla Chai Sugar Scrub recipe for anyone who loves Chai and wants soft skin.

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

Combine white sugar, brown sugar, and contents of the tea bags in a mixing bowl. Add coconut oil (may need to be softened first) and essential oils. Using a hand mixer, thoroughly mix contents until light and fluffy. Use in shower to exfoliate the skin.

For a printable version, click here.

Vanilla Chai Potpurri Spray

Vanilla Chai Potpourri Spray

Passively diffusing your favorite aromas is a great way to give a room just a little bit more personality and make a big difference in your overall atmosphere. Potpourri and scented pinecones are excellent ways to bring subtle scents into your home, but what do you do when they’ve lost their scent? Use this Vanilla Chai Potpourri Spray to make your decorative pine cones and potpourri smell fantastic. Spritz the spray anytime you think they are getting a little dull and enjoy a season-long aroma.

What you’ll need:

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What you’ll do:

Steep one tea bag in the Everclear for 20 minutes. Add essential oils to Everclear and allow to meld. Fill the rest of the bottle with water. Spritz on pinecones, wood chips or potpourri for a vanilla chai scented room.

*Caution: this spray may stain light-colored surfaces or clothing. Take care when spritzing to avoid staining.

For a printable version, click here.

What else are you using the new Vanilla Botanical Extract for? Tell us in the comments below!