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Candles vs Diffusion: Which Should You Choose?


Candles vs Diffusion: Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to filling your home with fragrance, candles have been the go-to for quite a while now. With essential oils becoming more and more popular, they offer an alternative home fragrance. For essential oil enthusiasts, choosing between candles and your diffuser is probably a no brainer. But for those just starting out, it can be a more complicated decision. We’re here to talk about the pros and cons of each, so that next time you go to light a candle or diffuse your favorite synergy, you’ll feel confident you’re choosing the method that’s right for your family.


Candles vs Diffusion: Which Should You Choose?

Probably the biggest concern of anyone who regularly uses candles is safety. All it takes is one precocious cat or rambunctious toddler to send a lit candle tumbling to the ground. Not mention the dangers associated with leaving a candle unattended. In this regard, candles pose more of a risk than other methods of home fragrance. That’s not to say that essential oils are danger-free. Some oils have chemical compounds that are not safe for use around children. This is why we created the KidSafe line, so you can feel confident that you are not exposing your child to anything potentially harmful.

Natural vs Synthetic

Candles vs Diffusion: Which Should You Choose?

When comparing oils to candles, another stark difference is often in the ingredients. Plant Therapy’s essential oils are all natural, sustainably grown and harvested, and some are even produced organically. Candles, on the other hand, often are full of synthetic fragrances that have no therapeutic properties. If you’re striving to achieve a more natural home, diffusing essential oils can be an excellent way to go.


Plant Therapy NovaFuse diffuser on a table

At first glance, essential oils can seem like a much bigger investment than any candle. And while the upfront cost may be more than the odd candle you pick up shopping, the cost per use makes it more affordable the longer you use it. After all, only a few drops are needed to get hours of fragrance.


Candles vs Diffusion: Which Should You Choose?

And last but certainly not least, we’ll talk about the benefits. Diffusion is just one way to take advantage of the many therapeutic benefits of essential oils. It is called “aromatherapy” for a reason after all. Candles, on the other hand, aren’t without their benefits. The softly flickering flame is unmatched in its ability to set the mood, whether for a romantic night in or a soothing bath.

Now it may seem like we spent this whole article knocking on candles, but they’re not all bad. We promise! After all, a diffuser just isn’t the same when it comes to a romantic dinner. But for those of you who are hesitant to take the plunge into essential oils, hopefully, this gives you a few good reasons to give it a try!

DIY Natural Candle

Clear essential oil bottle next to a jasmine flower and candle

Looking for the best of both worlds? Put your DIY skills to good use and make this easy candle recipe with your favorite essential oils or with our new line of Evoke home fragrances.

What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
  1. Put the wick in the center of the candle holder.
  2. Melt wax completely in a double boiler.
  3. Remove bowl from the double boiler.
  4. Add essential oil and mix well.
  5. Slowly pour into the candle holder.
  6. Make sure your wick is centered.
  7. Let dry completely.
  8. Light the candle and enjoy!

If you’re always on the hunt for new ways to use your essential oils, check out our Safe Essential Oil Facebook Group!