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The Best Homemade Cleaning Products


The Best Homemade Cleaning Products

We love cleaning with essential oils because it leaves everything smelling so fabulous! Our noses have such sensitive mucus membranes and it’s important that we treat them gently. We should be breathing in things that help, and don’t hurt the delicate lining of our nasal passage. Many traditional cleaners have harsh chemicals that burn the nose, prolonged exposure can damage and even cause you to lose your sense of smell entirely. There are also many respiratory concerns using harsh chemicals. For those reasons, I choose to use natural cleaning recipes in my home.

It’s always a good idea to test a small, inconspicuous spot with new cleaners to ensure there are no undesired results.

Here’s a list of 15 of the best essential oils to destroy germs and maintain a sanitary environment (this is by no means an exhaustive list as many essential oils carry these same benefits);

Below you’ll find 6 of my favorite DIY cleaning products.

carpet-mattress-powder Plant TherapyCarpet & Mattress Powder

What you’ll need:

  • 3 ounces baking soda
  • 3 drops Essential Oil (My favorite is the Deodorizing Synergy)
  • Shaker container

What you’ll do:

Shake evenly on the carpet and/or mattress, let sit for an hour, vacuum thoroughly.

dusting-recipe plant therapy

Dusting Recipe (Adapted from Linda McCarthy)

What you will need:

What you’ll do:

Simply spray and wipe, I like using a microfiber cloth. Since jojoba is a wax it left behind a nice shine and I loved the scent I was left with!

Multi Purpose Spray (adapted from Michelle Pippin)

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Spray and wipe. I use this on my floors and counters. I have little ones so I only use Germ Fighter if the room is well ventilated and my kids are gone for several hours. This recipe also works great for mirrors and windows!

soft-scrub plant therapy

Soft Scrub

What you’ll need:

To use:

Spread the paste, let sit for 5-10 minutes, and scrub away!

carpet-stain-remover plant therapy

Carpet Stain Remover

What you’ll need:

  • 1-ounce baking soda
  • 0.5 ounces vinegar
  • 2 drops essential oil (I really think Lemon is best used here as it does a really great job at cutting through the stain)

To use:

Work paste into the stain with a toothbrush, allow to dry and vacuum up, may require a couple of treatments.

furniture-polish plant therapy

Furniture Polish

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Use a very small amount and buff furniture with it until you are left with an even shine. I really love microfiber cloths. If you have streaks, continue to spread and buff until shiny. This is probably my favorite recipe, it left my furniture looking so fresh and vibrant, it also left a gentle and uplifting aroma behind that lasted all afternoon.

Concerned about how castile soap mixes with vinegar, water, and hydrogen peroxide?

castile-and-vinegar plant therapy

*These water-based recipes do not contain an emulsifier or preservative. You will need to shake well before each use (to mix the water and oils or add an emulsifier). Store in the fridge and use within one week (or add a preservative to reduce concerns of bacterial growth, learn more about preservatives here)*

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