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4 Ways to Use Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil


4 Ways to Use Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil

Geranium Bourbon

Latin name: Pelargonium x asperum

Aroma Description: Green, rose-floral, herbaceous scent

Therapeutic benefits

  • Helps balance the mind during times of agitation or sadness.
  • Also is great for relieving tension due to turbulent emotions.
  • Good choice during that time of the month as it can help with menstrual discomfort and emotional turbulence.
  • Useful for balancing the skin, plus it’s ideal for every skin type.
  • Can also help relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies.


Yes! Geranium Bourbon IS KidSafe.

geranium flowers

Dilution instructions:

Dilute to 2-4% for full-body application or 1% for facial application. To help with menstrual discomfort, blend 3 drops of Geranium Bourbon, 3 drops of Clary Sage, with 2 teaspoons of your favorite Plant Therapy Carrier Oil; massage on the abdomen in a clockwise direction.

Diffusion instructions:

Add a few drops to your diffuser or a personal aromatherapy inhaler to use during times of emotional distress.

Oils to blend with:

Bergamot, Carrot Seed, Citronella, Fennel Sweet, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Orange Sweet, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Peppermint Western US, Rose Absolute, Sandalwood Australian, and Ylang Ylang Complete.

Additional Reading

Check out all our other essential oil spotlight blog posts by heading to our Spotlight Page!

In case you’re wondering, yes, we do in fact have two different versions of Geranium! To learn more about what sets each version apart, check out this post on the difference between Geranium Bourbon and Geranium Egyptian. Now on to the good stuff.

Emotional Support

Woman relaxing at home

One of our favorite uses for Geranium Bourbon is for emotional issues. Whenever you’re feeling sad, agitated or overwhelmed, add this to your diffuser. It also can help calm emotions due to that time of the month. Diffusing is always a great option. Or use it in a personal inhaler or aromatherapy necklace to have it with you on the go. Consider combining with other soothing oils like Lavender, Sweet Orange, Chamomile or Neroli.

That Time of the Month

Woman crouching in stomach pain

As just about any woman can tell you, when Aunt Flo’s in town, it’s no fun. It’s difficult enough on its own, but then there are cramps and heightened emotions to make things worse. Luckily, Geranium Bourbon can help with all of it. Diffuse it to help soothe and calm your emotions and then apply it topically to help ease menstrual pain. Mix with Clary Sage for a great topical blend.

Good for the Skin

woman looking at her face in the mirror

One of the best parts of Geranium Bourbon is that it’s good for every skin type: oily, combination, dry, you name it! We recommend using a 1% dilution for facial applications. It can help balance your skin, fight acne, smooth wrinkles and soothe minor issues like bruises.

Allergy Relief

Family sitting on a dock outdoors relaxing

Now that summer is almost here, it means that’s pollen season is well underway. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, this oil is one to have on hand for symptom relief. In addition to diffusion, you could also try using it in a facial steam.

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