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Helping Children Find Their Happy Place with Together We Rise


Helping Children Find Their Happy Place with Together We Rise

Find your happy place this new year and help us celebrate Together We Rise! With the purchase of any size of Happy Place Essential Oil Blend, Plant Therapy will donate $5 to this amazing non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the lives of children in foster care nationwide. Together We Rise is comprised of humanitarians, advocates, artists, visionaries, and social workers who strive to provide thousands of youth with a sense of belonging and a brighter future by lifting their voices and tackling problems they face while in foster care. While the foster care experience can be a difficult road for children to walk, Together We Rise promotes fundraising and collaborating with a network of passionate volunteers to support the unique needs of these youth.

Happy Place Essential Oil Blend

Sometimes we could all use a break from the daily stressors that can have a negative impact on our mood and overall well-being. Happy Place was created to help bring about a sense of calmness, clarity, and joy whenever we need a moment to relax and reset. Great for both kids and adults, the uplifting benefits of Bergamot, the calming properties of Lavender and Chamomile, along with the balancing properties of Frankincense, Patchouli, Vetiver, and Clary Sage, all work synergistically to support a happy outlook and positive thinking. For tips on how Happy Place can support you or you little ones, make sure to check out Time to Go to Your Happy Place with Essential Oils. Or create your own DIY room spray to help ward away nervous tension and restlessness!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Happy magic. I love this for my son. Just applying it makes him smile. It does seem to help put him in a better mood.” – Crystal

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I bought it for my son but loved it so much for myself! It’s a perfect blend to relax at night.” – Sarah

For more information on Together We Rise, check out their website to learn what they do and how you can help their initiatives. Don’t forget that every purchase of Happy Place means $5 to this wonderful organization!