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Hair Types and Essential Oils for Healthy Hair


Hair Types and Essential Oils for Healthy Hair

Long and healthy hair

Let’s face it, hair care is essential to our daily lives, so it only seems natural to include essential oils into this routine. Plant Therapy Essential Oils are high quality, with absolutely no additives or fillers, which make them ideal for hair care use. The best way to maintain beautiful, luscious locks is by using all natural products to keep our hair at it’s best. That is where essential oils come into play.

Although there are a variety of different hair types, we will only cover some of the most common ones in this post. Hopefully, you can take some of the ideas here and apply it to your hair care routine. Healthy hair is only an essential oil away.

Lady unhappy with hair

Dry/Damaged Hair

Dry/damaged hair is very common; we use high-heat tools, color our hair, pull our hair up in tight elastics, and the list goes on. Our hair, in general, goes through a lot, and it is always a great idea to take some time to show it some TLC. Fractionated Coconut Oil is hair’s best friend and lucky for you, Plant Therapy has plenty. You can use Coconut Oil for a deep conditioning treatment, a daily detangler, and as a natural thermal protectant. For the daily detangler just apply a light amount of Coconut Oil to wet hair from root to tip and brush through the tangles with a brush or comb. No need to wash out, just dry and style as usual. This method works for the natural thermal protectant too. The great thing with Coconut Oil is it will nourish your hair all day long.

For a Deep Conditioning Coconut Oil Hair Mask try this DIY recipe:

What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
  1. Mix Shea Butter and Virgin Coconut Oil(I use a fork since they are both so soft)
  2. Add and mix all carrier oils and essential oil (I used my mixer for this).
  3. Store in a cool dark place.
  4. Makes approximately 3 applications.
To use:

Apply mask generously to your hair, let sit for 10-30 minutes and wash with an all natural shampoo.

Oily Scalp

An oily scalp is caused by overactive sebaceous glands, which produce excessive amounts of sebum. It might seem counterproductive to add more oils to an oily scalp, but essential oils are a concentrated, volatile, aromatic liquid that is obtained from the fruits, seeds, flowers, bark, stems, roots, leaves or other parts of a plant. Their makeup and properties are exactly what your oily scalp needs to be more balanced.

6 Essential Oils that help with an oily scalp are Lavender, Rosemary 1,8-Cineole, Lemon, Cedarwood Atlas, Chamomile (all types), and Eucalyptus Globulus. These different oils can be used to combat flaky scalps, balance out the natural oils of the scalp, and soothe and nourish the scalp. Add these oils to your favorite shampoo or try one of these No Poo recipes that will help limit the number of chemicals you use on your hair and combat an oily scalp.

Recipe 1

What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
  1. Dissolve baking soda into water.
  2. Add other ingredients, shaking well to combine.
  3. Use in place of your regular shampoo and condition as needed.

*If you choose not to use a preservative you will need to store it in the fridge. Optiphen plus is a preservative which reduces the instance of bacterial growth in water-based products. We recommend that a preservative be used in any water-based products that you make at home. This is a great choice since it contains no parabens, no formaldehyde, and are not formaldehyde contributors.

Recipe 2

What you’ll need:
What you’ll do:
  1. Combine all ingredients in a container.
  2. Shake well to combine and before each use.
  3. Use in place of your regular shampoo and condition as needed.

*If you choose not to use a preservative you will need to store it in the fridge. Optiphen plus is a preservative which reduces the instance of bacterial growth in water-based products. We recommend that a preservative be used in any water-based products that you make at home. This is a great choice since it contains no parabens, no formaldehyde, and are not formaldehyde contributors.

Keep in mind that when changing hair care routine, you’ll need to give your hair time to adjust to the new product. Traditional shampoos strip the natural oils from your head. When you switch to a more natural cleansing process your body may seem to over produce oils on the scalp. However, in reality, the body is simply trying to replace what was once being washed away daily. You can combat the greasiness by washing every day at first, then reducing to two or three times a week. Your hair will eventually look and feel great!

This recipe can be used for more than an oily scalp. Switch up the essential oils to combat thinning hair, for a normal cleaning shampoo, or to cater to men. Here are some essential oils to try to switch it up:

Thin and Thick Hair

With thin hair, you have to be careful about which oils you choose because you do not want to weigh your hair down or leave it looking greasy. Rosemary 1,8-Cineole is a great option for thin hair. It can help support a healthy scalp and promote luscious-looking locks. Add it to your favorite shampoo or conditioner and use as directed.

Another great option is Lemongrass. Lemongrass has a refreshing and uplifting aroma that is not only a great addition to shampoo, but it is also an effective cleanser that can strengthen your hair follicles. To use Lemongrass add 5 drops to an ounce of your shampoo or condition, or use 2-3 drops in a tablespoon of Jojoba Carrier Oil and massage into the scalp daily and then rinse after 1-3 minutes.

Although Coconut Oil is still a great option for thick hair, Organic Argan Oil is your best bet when it comes to this hair type. Organic Argan is a thicker carrier oil, which thick hair can handle. You can use it in a hair mask or on wet hair before drying and styling. Argan Oil is conditioning and rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids that are ideal for keeping your thick hair nourished and looking fabulous.

Adding essential oils to your hair care routine is a safe, natural way to enhance your luscious locks.

We’ve looked into a few hair types and have given you some suggestions on how to enhance your hair care routines with essential oils and carrier oils. These are great options because they are chemical free, which your hair will thank you for. Have you used any essential oils or carrier oils for your hair? Which ones did you like? Comment below, we would love to hear from you!