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FriYAY - It's All About Focus!


FriYAY - It's All About Focus!

The sun is finally shining consistently and the temperatures are rising steadily. As each day passes, it seems to be getting hotter and hotter. Not to mention, pools are beginning to open up, and that means swimming! Oh, and it’s already June, which means there is only a handful of weeks left before we kick-off… JULY CUSTOMER APPRECIATION MONTH! If you are anything like the rest of us at Plant Therapy, you are so excited and it’s all you can think about. We know how hard it is to focus on the tasks at hand when there is so much going on around you, including the upcoming and oh-so-amazing JCAM. That’s why for this FriYAY, we are talking all about focus! That way you can get. it. done. and enjoy the best parts of summer.

FriYAY: Hocus Focus

Hocus Focus

Hocus Focus has your back if you need to focus, but don’t care too much for the more herbal aromas. Instead, Hocus Focus boasts a more citrusy scent with steam-distilled Lime and Bergamot. Other ingredients include Petitgrain, helping promote alertness, while Atlas Cedarwood and Roman Chamomile are soothing and calming to the mind and body. Vetiver is renowned for its ability to bring balance and alleviate the “mind chatter” which can cause us to lose focus on the task at hand. Created specifically for focus, this essential oil blend is sure to help support concentration and fight fidgeting.

How to Use

Diffuse using 2-3 drops in a diffuser where the whole family can enjoy it. Or you can dilute to 2-4% in a carrier oil and apply to the wrists, back of neck or chest.

Some Things to Know

FriYAY: A+ Attention

A+ Attention

Plant Therapy’s A+ Attention is the perfect blend for those who love clean, herbal aromas with sweet and woody undertones and who need some extra help staying focused. Packed with focus-boosting essential oils like Petitgrain, Bergamot, and Pink Grapefruit, it’s sure to turn off all that brain chatter and eliminate some of the mental interference that keeps you from being the boss we know you are. Oh, the best part of all, it’s KidSafe and Pup & Pony safe! This means your entire household can enjoy the benefits.

How to Use

You can add 2-3 drops of A+ Attention to your aromatherapy diffuser. Or you can dilute it to 2-4% dilution with your favorite carrier oil and apply topically to your child’s chest, back of neck and/or wrist.

Some Things to Know

FriYAY: Brain Aid

Brain Aid

For adults only, we have another focus-enhancing option for you – Brain Aid! Our Brain Aid essential oil blend is made from a combination of mentally stimulating oils known for boosting mental focus and energy. Featuring a unique combination of citrus and spice, this blend of Pink Grapefruit, Bergamot, Palmarosa, Juniper Berry, Basil Linalool, Lemon, Rosemary 1,8 Cineole, Peppermint, May Chang, and Star Anise is sure to help keep you on the path for success and owning the world. After all, nobody deserves it more than you do!

How to Use

Add Brain Aid to an aromatherapy necklace or personal inhaler to enjoy the benefits while you work. You can also dilute it to 2-5% in a carrier oil and apply it to your wrists or hands.

Some Things to Know

Put It All Together Now

Now that you have three AMAZING blends to choose from let’s talk about how to use them. For those of you who prefer to keep it simple, these blends can be thrown in the diffuser, or even used in a personal inhaler or on an aromatherapy necklace. For people who prefer to get a little more crafty, try some desktop smelling salts!

Desktop Smelling Salts DIY

What you’ll need:

What you’ll do:

Fill your Mason jar up to about halfway with your coarse Pink Himalayan salt and about 25-30 drops of your chosen essential oil blend. Place your fabric over the top of the jar and hold it in place using a jar-ring. If you don’t have a jar-ring to tighten around the fabric, you can use your Jute Twine to tie it down. This gives it a cute, rustic look. Place your finished product on your desk while you work and get busy reaping the benefits!